185 West End Ave, Lincoln Towers, New York, NY 10023 | Telephone 212.877.3062

Sports Related Injuries

Here at American Foot Care, Dr. Antonetz will use in office x-ray, diagnostic ultrasound imaging, and his 23 years of experience treating injured athletes. Dr. Antonetz's goal is to relieve your pain, restore your function, and heal your injury so that you can return to your favorite sports and activities.

Because of the frequent overuse, wear-and-tear and risk of a accidents associated with sports activities, athletes are often susceptible to orthopedic injuries, including a stress fracture, ankle sprains, or tearing and straining of ligaments and tendons. Different activities place different areas at a higher risk for damage. Special care is required to properly heal and rehabilitate these injuries so patients can return to their favorite activities.

Treatment for these injuries may involve rest, immobilization, physical therapy, orthotics or surgery depending on the type and severity of the injury. Athletes can reduce their risk of injuries by staying hydrated, warming up and stretching before activities.

Plantar Fasciitis/Heel Spurs

The plantar fascia is a ligament-like band running along the bottom of the foot that stretches from the heel to the base of the toes. If the plantar fascia is forced to stretch beyond its limit, it may become inflamed or frayed, causing heel pain. This condition is called plantar fasciitis. Patients often complain of pain in the heel and the arch of the foot. The pain is usually worst after resting, sitting or lying down for a while, especially during your first steps out of bed in the morning.

Bone spurs are a common complication of plantar fasciitis.

Risk factors for developing plantar fasciitis and heel spurs include overuse activities, running, standing or walking for many hours a day, having naturally tight calf muscles, wearing shoes with high heels, and having flat feet or very high arches. Treatment for plantar fasciitis may include custom foot orthotics, physical therapy, medication, injections, and surgery.

Ankle Sprains/Strains

Sprains and strains are common injuries that may occur in the ankle joint as a result of an accident, sports injury or overuse activities. These injuries involve damage to the ligaments of the joint. As the ligament stretches or twists beyond its normal range, it may tear, causing pain, swelling and stiffness of the foot and ankle joints.

Sprained or strained ankles should be examined by Dr. Antonetz to rule out the possibility of a bone fracture, torn tendon or joint capsule, which often accompany an ankle sprain. Most sprains can be treated through conservative methods such as rest, applying ice, compression bandages, using a walking boot, elevation, anti-inflammatory drugs or physical therapy. Most cases heal within two to six weeks.

Stress Fractures

A stress fracture is a common injury that involves a small crack or break in the bone as a result of overuse. This injury most frequently occurs in athletes such as runners and basketball players, as well as those who play tennis, gymnastics or dance. However, women who wear high heels are prone to stress fractures too. Patients who experience a stress fracture often experience pain that gradually worsens with physical activity; they may have swelling of their foot and possible bruising.

The ideal treatment for a stress fracture depends on the location and severity of the condition, but may include resting the foot, wearing protective footwear using a walking boot and applying a cast to immobilize the foot. Surgery may be required for severe stress fractures. Surgery may include the use of metal pins, screws and plates. Physical rehabilitation may also be required to restore function.

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